

Friday, January 29, 2010

Have you…

Have you ever had a writer’s block?

Mental block?


Sighs… I’m experiencing it right now. Can’t think of anything to talk or write about.

Can a brain vomit? I wish mine could right now. I wish to empty my mind of useless things.

Wish I could say anything.

I’m watching “Bones”.

Wonder why I like investigative series. Maybe because I like a good puzzle. I like the unknown. I like the endless possibilities.

Endless possibilities…

That’s a nice thought…

I’m gonna ponder on it…

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I quit!

My job, that is.

Last Sunday.

Today, Wednesday, I got a call from my ex-work.


New job, higher position, higher pay.

Sorry, I can’t.

It would mean working nights and weekends.

Which I can’t.

I need week nights to practice tennis.

Weekends are game days.

So, no, thanks.

Can’t I live a life?

Sighs, I quit!

Anger destroys

Yes, it does.


Waking up to a phone call that makes you angry destroys you entire day, doesn’t it?


Mom called today. I got angry. I hung up. I cried. Wanted to be alone. Went away for a while.


Anger subsided. Went to the shopping mall. Mom called, again. Got angry, again. Cried , again.


Ate. Went to the bookstore. Mom called, again. Said she didn’t want to fight. Hung up. Bought a book. Went home.


Started reading said book. Dad called.

Anything new?


You sure?


Mom is angry.


Shouldn’t make mom angry.

She shouldn’t make me angry.

The only one who can get that angry is dad.

Then he shouldn’t have had children.

It’s not hereditary, it’s learned with time.

Yeah, well, I’ve lived with you for the past 20 years.

You shouldn’t learn the bad stuff.

Yeah, well, unfortunately, you can’t control what I learn.


Hung up. Bad mood rest of the day. Headache coming.

Turns off computer.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Looking at other peoples blogs makes me want to write on mine. And that sucks when you don’t have anything to write about, right? Well, I know about this first hand.

Tonight I spent some time surfing the internet, trying to find something entertaining. But, alas, I couldn’t find that thing. So I Googled the jdrama I was watching earlier, “Celeb to Binbo Taro” (The Celebrity and the Poor Taro). I wanted to see which other dramas the actor, Kamiji Yusuke, had done. And I found out that his blog has a spot in the Guinness World Records!

So, of course, that made me curious. I wanted to read his blog, too!


But, guess what? IT’S IN JAPANESE!! And I don’t know Japanese.


So…. I tried translate the page, with Yahoo! but it didn’t worked that well, and I still couldn’t understand it.


Sighs… I want to learn Japanese. And Chinese. And Korean. And other languages, too. But, can I do it? Can I truly learn another language? I hope so. I mean, my mind isn’t that bad. I could learn, if I had the time. But that’s it, isn’t it?




With everything’s that going on right now in my life, I don’t think I have the time. Or rather,  I’m too lazy to make the time.


Sighs…. Problems never stop coming, don’t they?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Mary o’ Maryland

Right… So where was I?

I don’t remember, so here I go.

I’ve been in Maryland for a few days already, and it’s been cold and not too cold. Actually, I received the new year right here, among my parent’s friends. It was cool. I actually got drunk on wine, for the first time ever. And then Maria, maid of honor for my parent’s wedding, told my mom that she was going to kidnap me. Which I still don’t get, but oh well.

On December 30th, the country land around here was a beautiful green. On the 31st, it was a snow covered land. And then on the 1st, green again.

Now, I’m sitting in the living room, just watching the Twilight Zone on tv. Kind of boring, actually.

I hope this year brings lots of happiness to everything and everyone!