

Monday, December 28, 2009

White Xmas

Dec. 23rd, 2009. I got ready at 9 in the morning. I had my suitcase and baggage all set. Went to Kmart for some last minute shopping and got attacked by my allergies.

Nice way to start the day, huh?

Next, my aunt was late to pick us up. Where were we going? To the airport. Going to visit my parents in New Jersey.

As you all know, I live in Puerto Rico, little tropical island were it’s always summer. So imagine my face expression when I got out of the Newark International Airport, where the temperature was at 26 degrees. Needless to say, I froze.

So the title? YES! I experienced my first white xmas!! My God, it’s so beautiful, even if you freeze your ass off.

Been here almost 5 days already, and thank God the temperature is rising. I miss the tropical sun and my dog (which I had to leave behind).

But all in all, I'm having fun!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The girl who couldn’t die

I wish!

Many things have happened. So much, that I don’t know where to start.

First, I got back into college, and now I wish I hadn’t. Can’t wake up for class, and so I often skip them. Which isn’t good. Because I HAVE to graduate, no matter what.

Second, my parents got laid-off, so they got another job, in New Jersey. Which mean that I now live with my sister, here in Puerto Rico. They moved a few months ago, and I miss them a lot. I’m going over there this Christmas. It’s going to be a cold holiday for me this year.

Third, my boss is still a bitch. She’s working me as if I didn’t have a life. Which I don’t, but want.

It’s been a long time since I used the internet for other than downloading crap and Japanese dramas. So now I’m trying to reconnect with the people I abandoned. And it’s hard, doing that. Because maybe they don’t know who I am anymore.

But I’m trying my best at everything: work, studies, and life. At least that’s what I’d like to think.