

Sunday, August 17, 2008

OMG! I'm back!

Hello dudes & dudettes!

So, it's been a looong while since the last time I wrote something. So, let's catch up with my life, shall we?

The last time I wrote, I was still in college, still "studying" and hanging out with my friends. Since then, a lot of stuff has happened. Well, I don't know if I told you guys that my mother had lost her job, but, yeah, she did. So the largest income in my family went away. Because of that, I had to drop out of college and get a job.

On May, I got a job as a receptionist at a dog's grooming center & spa. They fired me 3 weeks later. The owner had money problems and couldn't pay me, but SHE said that it was because I couldn't handle the job. Which was BULLSHIT.

I spent a month without work. I applied to many places. One day, I get a phone call from a university book store saying I got the job, and that I started in 2 weeks. So I was like, "YES! Woo-hoo!" A week later, another place, a fast-food restaurant, called to say that I got the job there, too. So suddenly I went from having NO job at all, to having 2 jobs! So, What The Fuck?!

But everything's alright. I am working both jobs, which means I don't have a day off at all. Working 7 days a week has taken it's toll on me. Right now I am sick. Fever. Sore throat. Runny nose. The works.

But I am happy.

Although, I did have a crappy week. But that's a story for another day.

So, tell me... How's YOUR life?