Looking at other peoples blogs makes me want to write on mine. And that sucks when you don’t have anything to write about, right? Well, I know about this first hand.
Tonight I spent some time surfing the internet, trying to find something entertaining. But, alas, I couldn’t find that thing. So I Googled the jdrama I was watching earlier, “Celeb to Binbo Taro” (The Celebrity and the Poor Taro). I wanted to see which other dramas the actor, Kamiji Yusuke, had done. And I found out that his blog has a spot in the Guinness World Records!
So, of course, that made me curious. I wanted to read his blog, too!
But, guess what? IT’S IN JAPANESE!! And I don’t know Japanese.
So…. I tried translate the page, with Yahoo! but it didn’t worked that well, and I still couldn’t understand it.
Sighs… I want to learn Japanese. And Chinese. And Korean. And other languages, too. But, can I do it? Can I truly learn another language? I hope so. I mean, my mind isn’t that bad. I could learn, if I had the time. But that’s it, isn’t it?
With everything’s that going on right now in my life, I don’t think I have the time. Or rather, I’m too lazy to make the time.
Sighs…. Problems never stop coming, don’t they?